Month in review

This last month has been busy and today I had a chance to reflect over all that has happened in this last month. As the children watched a dvd this afternoon while I made dinner I started to count all our blessings.

The children and I are blessed with great friends that have been picking up and dropping off the healthy child to school, as I stayed at home nursing a sick child.

My Boss has been understanding and has tollerated me working from home.

My parents drove a 4 hour round trip to attend the children’s end of year concert.

We have been busy with many festive dates as we wrap up the year and as we wish everyone safe holidays we truly mean it. We are looking forward to catching up with our school friends, Scouts Mob/Pack and the good people we call friends in 2012.

Made several batches of soap
Finished my Giant Granny Swirl Blanket
Cuddled a llama
Made raspberry cordial
Made my first crochet flower
Made yoghurt
Ate a native berry growning on my back deck
Decorated a crochet hook
Started a family tradition
Stay safe my blog friends and enjoy this festive season.

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